Veronika Witte applies a wide variety of media and art-forms. We find video, sculpture and installations as well as collaborations with other artists and scientists in interdisciplinary projects and scenic installations. Often her work conducts research along the border where different art disciplines meet. A central focus in all of her works consists of the role our bodies play in our present society and as a resource for future creation. Veronika Witte is interested in the limits of the body, in the ending of its up to now given ‚fatality’ and in the desire to reinvent oneself over and over again.
Originating in classical sculpture, Veronika Witte now works on an enlarged „sculpture and portrait concept“ which she pursues in a multi-disciplined scheme. She is creating a space where art, theatre and sciences meet. She creates portraits by asking questions and applies to them scientific strate- gies as well as skulptural and performative techniques. She invents questionnaries, interviews and surveys or uses other pseudo-scientific approaches. In her installations and video-sculptu- res, she experiments with performative strategies of constructing one‘s self and she makes vi- sible the influence of life-science and the new biotechnologies on our self perception. By asking questions, she draws our attention to subjects of fundamental importance: How is our identity constructed? Which meaning does the biographical, social, cultural and scientific context have concerning our body and identity? And how do new developments influence our „social body“?
At the end of her research always stands an independent sculptural production with videos, objects but also large scale scenic installations. Her work is always balanced on a fine line where objects and identities lose their apparent clear shape.
Dr. Ralf F. Hartmann
more texts coming soon.